2021骞碝EM鑰冪爺鍒濊│绲�(ji茅)鏉熷悗锛岃€冪爺鎴愮妇闋�(y霉)瑷堟渻鍦�2021骞�2鏈堝簳闄哥簩(x霉)鍏竷锛岀偤閬垮厤閷亷鎴愮妇鏌ヨ鏅傞枔锛岃€冪敓鍙互 鍏嶈不(f猫i)闋�(y霉)绱勭煭淇℃彁閱�鏈嶅嫏(w霉)锛屽眴鏅傚彲鎻愬墠鏀跺埌鎴愮妇鏌ヨ鏅傞枔鎻愰啋鐭俊銆�
48. Directions:
Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
1) interpret the chart, and
2) give your comments.
You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
As is apparently reflected in the column above, we are informed a survey in terms of various pproaches in which residents take sports exercise in a certain city. To be more specific, thosetaking exercise by themselves or with friends take a lion’s share, accounting for over 90%. By contrast, those who choose to be engaged in physical sports with family members or participate in group activities occupy a minor proportion, making up 23.9% and 13.8% respectively. It is not a difficult job to find out the reasons behind this phenomenon. There is no denying that, to begin with, along with a growing amount of pressure, people increasingly recognize the significance of sports, as a result of which, it is no surprise to see a sports wave in our society. Simultaneously, it is the differentiation of individuals that gives rise to various preferences and inclination towards sports approaches, to the extent that someone would like to take physical exercise alone, others are willing to do sports with friends or family.
Based on what has been analyzed above, a conclusion can be drawn safely that taking physical exercise will undoubtedly be good for people’s health no matter whom you do it with together. As a proverb goes, “Go outside and keep moving, you will be much healthier.” Considering the discussion above, it is predicted that there will be more residents participating in sports activities in the forthcoming years
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