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CET4淘金詞匯 (2)

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blast vt. n.爆炸,一陣(疾風), 一股(強烈的氣流)
  Over a period of two days in Pakistan ;兩日內(nèi)在巴基斯坦發(fā)生的
  a series of blasts killed 6 people and injured 35. ;一系列爆炸事件造成6人死亡,35人受傷
  The moment the Federal Building in the heart of Oklahoma City was blasted by McVeigh, ;(美國)俄克拉荷馬市中心的聯(lián)邦政府大樓被邁克維炸毀的那一刻
  some people's American dreams were also blasted. ;一些人的美國夢也被炸碎了.

split vi.分裂,被撕裂 vt.使分裂,劈開 n.裂口,分裂
  Any attempt to split the country is doomed to fail. ;任何分裂祖國的圖謀都注定要失敗.
  Tom and Mary split up after they graduated from college. ;湯姆和瑪麗大學畢業(yè)后便分手了.

attack vt. & vi.攻擊,抨擊 n.攻擊, (疾病等)突然發(fā)作
  Guerrillas attacked an army camp in Kashmir on Saturday. ;游擊隊員周六襲擊了喀什米爾的一個軍營.

burst vt.使爆裂 vi.爆裂,擠滿 n.爆裂,爆發(fā)
  Don't be so angry! You'll burst a blood vessel. ;別發(fā)這么大火, 你會把血管氣裂的!

exhaust vt.使筋疲力盡; 用盡,耗盡 n.排氣管;排氣孔; (排出的)廢氣,廢液
  Some web addicts often exhaust themselves by surfing the Internet for days on end. ;一些網(wǎng)蟲經(jīng)常持續(xù)幾天網(wǎng)上沖浪,把自己搞得筋疲力盡.
  It seems that Citizens in seriously polluted cities ;污染嚴重的城市的居民似乎已經(jīng)

  are used to breathing exhaust fumes. ;習慣了呼吸廢氣了.

consume vt.消費,消耗;吃完, 喝完,充滿
  Can you recommend an inexpensive car that doesn't consume much gas? ;你能向我推薦一部既便宜又耗油不多的車嗎?
  I'm sure that Chinese people consume the largest amount of rice in the world. ;我敢肯定,世界上中國人吃掉的大米最多.

dispose vi.(~of)除掉,處理 vt.排列,使傾向于
  We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines. ;我們得把這堆舊報紙和雜志處理掉.
  Suspicion disposes kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy. ;猜疑使國王傾向于專制, 使丈夫傾向于嫉妒.

disposition n.部署,處置 vi.(因恐懼等) 咽一下口水
  The disposition of the Peacekeeping Force of the UN was not revealed. ;聯(lián)合國維和部隊的部署情況沒有被透露.

swallow vt.;輕信 n.燕子;吞咽
  A cobra can swallow a rabbit in one mouthful. ;眼鏡蛇可以一口吞下野兔.

make vt.& vi.,使,總計
  Sometimes 1 plus 1 doesn't make 2. ;有時候, 一加一不等于二.

account n.描述;賬戶;說明 vi(~ for) 作出解釋; (在數(shù)量,比例方面)
  Please give a full account of what happened. ;請詳細敘述所發(fā)生的事情.
  Can you account for your absence? ;你能為你的缺席做出解釋嗎?

  A report said that men accounted for 52% of the Chinese population. ;一份報告說男性占中國人口52%.

light n.,燈火 a.(),顏色)淡的 vt.點燃 照亮
  As Mrs. Roosevelt put it, ;正如羅斯福太太所說的,
  I'd rather light a candle than complain about the darkness. ;與其抱怨黑暗, 不如點燃蠟燭
  How about some light music? ;來點輕音樂好嗎?

tender a.嫩的,溫和的n.投標 vt.(正式)提出; vi.(~ for) 投標
  Would you like to try the tender beef I cooked? ;想嘗一下我做的嫩牛肉嗎?
  "Love me tender,love me true..." Elvis Presley's words kept ringing in my ears. ;“溫柔地愛我, 忠誠地愛我...”貓王的歌縈繞在我耳際.

slight a.不足道的,纖弱的 vt.輕視,藐視
  Women easily take offence at the slightest things. ;女人容易動不動就(為最微不足道的事) 生氣.

mild a.溫和的,不嚴重的; (,)味淡的
  A mild-mannered woman is attractive to most men. ;大多數(shù)男人喜歡溫柔的女人.
  Mild punishment can be effective in educating children. ;教育孩子時利用輕微的懲罰也會奏效.

fundamental a.根本的,基礎的 n. (~s)基本原則,
  There are fundamental differences between your outlook on life and mine. ;我和你的人生觀, 有著本質(zhì)的不同.

comparative a.比較的,相對的
  In poor rural areas, owning a bicycle is a sign of comparative wealth. ;在貧窮的農(nóng)村地區(qū), 有輛自行車就是比較富裕的象征.

comparison n.比較,比擬
  Comparison is used as a technique to develop argumentative essays. ;比較是議論文中常用的一種寫作手法.
  Comparisons are odious. ;人比人,氣死人.

significant a. 有意義的, 重要的,重大的
  A person's success today may be significant for his future. ;一個人今天的成功對他的未來會有重大的 意義.

significance n.意義,重要性;
  Few teenagers understand the significance of life. ;重大極少數(shù)十來歲的孩子懂得生活的意義.
  Money is of great significance when starting an enterprise. ;資金對創(chuàng)業(yè)是十分重要的.

certainly ad.一定,當然
  I certainly don't consider you stupid. ;我當然不認為你笨.

trouble n.麻煩, 糾紛,動亂 vt.使煩惱, 麻煩 vi.費神,費力
  Having learned English for many years, ;學了多年的英語,
  many students still have trouble speaking to foreigners. ;許多學生和外國人說話仍有困難
  Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. ;麻煩沒有來找你, 不要自己找麻煩.


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