鐣�(d膩ng)鍓嶄綅缃細 棣栭爜 > 鑷€冭嫳瑾� > 鑷€冭嫳瑾炲倷鑰冭硣鏂� > 2021骞�4鏈堣嚜鑰冭嫳瑾烇紙浜岋級缈�(x铆)椤�2鍙婄瓟妗�


鏇存柊鏅傞枔锛�2021-03-08 09:37:29 渚嗘簮锛氱挵(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍� 鐎忚930鏀惰棌372

鑷€冭嫳瑾炲牨鍚�銆佽€冭│銆佹煡鍒嗘檪闁� 鍏嶈不鐭俊鎻愰啋


鐛插彇椹楄瓑 绔嬪嵆闋�(y霉)绱�




鎽樿 2021骞�4鏈堣嚜鑰冭嫳瑾炶€冭│鍊掕▓鏅�锛岀挵(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍″皬绶ㄧ偤鑷€冭嫳瑾炶€冪敓鍒嗕韩鈥�2021骞�4鏈堣嚜鑰冭嫳瑾�(浜�)缈�(x铆)椤�2鍙婄瓟妗堚€濓紝渚涜嚜鑰冭嫳瑾炶€冪敓绶寸繏(x铆)锛屼互渚垮湪2021骞�4鏈堣嚜鑰冭嫳瑾�(浜�)鐨勮€冭│涓彇寰椾竴鍊嬬悊鎯崇殑鎴愮妇鈥︹€�


涓€銆乕鍠伕椤宂Split Milk

____1_____He was interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked him why he was so much more creative than the average person; what set him so far apart from others?

____2____He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling its contents all over ther kitchen floor--a veritable sea of milk!

When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of yelling at him, giving him a lecture, or punishing him. she said, "Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made!

____3____Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?"

Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, "You know, Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that? ____4____ Which do you prefer?" He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilt milk.

His mother then said, "You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let"s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it." The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it.____5____


A銆丠e responded that,in his opinion,it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he was about two years old.

B銆乄hat a wonderful lesson!

C銆丠ave you heard of the story about spilt milk?

D銆両 have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk.

E銆両 recently heard a story about a famous research scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs.

F銆乄e could use a sponge, a towel, or a mop.

灏忕法鎻愰啋锛�2021骞�4鏈堝悇鍦板崁(q奴)鑷€冭嫳瑾炶€冭│鏅傞枔宸茬稉(j墨ng)鍏竷锛岀偤閬垮厤鑰冪敓閷亷鑰冭│鏅傞枔锛岃€冪敓鍙~瀵� 鍏嶈不闋�(y霉)绱勭煭淇℃彁閱�鏈嶅嫏(w霉)锛屽眴鏅傛垜鍊戞渻鍙婃檪鎻愰啋2021骞�4鏈堝悇鐪佽€冭│鏅傞枔銆佹煡瑭㈡垚绺炬檪闁撶瓑閲嶈鏅傞枔绡€(ji茅)榛為€氱煡銆�

浜�銆乕鍠伕椤宂Children´s Self-Control

Teaching your child self-control will help him get along with others, make good choices and stay safe. Teaching self-control starts early and truly and never stops. The thoughtful parent knows that each child is an individual with a will of its own. Respect for a child"s need will be balanced with respect for the need of others. Teaching your child self-control involves helping him to锛歵hink before acting; control impulse; weigh consequences; make safe and acceptable choices.

Knowing what to expect from your child at each stage of growth will provide guideposts as your child grows. Lessons in self-control need to be age-appropriate. Parents also need to agree on clear limits and boundaries as well as reasonable consequences at each stage of development.

It is important to be a model of self-control for your child. Controlling the urge to yell when in a frustrating situation will show your child it can be done. Considering consequences by thinking aloud will give your child a living example of thinking before acting. Your everyday display of kindness, patience and thoughtful regard will go farther than anything else!

Babies and toddlers experience frustration often as they do not have the means to communicate or acquire what they need and want. Distracting the very young children can work sometimes.

As preschoolers get older, say age two or beyond, they may need to cool down. Placing them on a chair for a minute or two may stop out-of-control behavior. As soon as the child settles,he should be allowed to move from the time-out area. This can be an effective way of teaching early self-control.

If you find you are not able to handle your young child"s frustration, it is important to get help from a counselor. He will help you to find ways to deal with your own feelings of frustration.

1.The passage is mainly discussing_________()銆�

A銆乭ow to teach your child self-control

B銆亀hat to expect from your child

C銆乭ow to set an example for your child

D銆亀hat to do with your child's distraction

2.As for considerate parents, they are to ()銆�

A銆乥alance what their child really need

B銆乧ompare their child with others' in time

C銆乬ive orders to their child at home

D銆乻how respect for their child's choice

3.To make sure your child lives with self-control锛宊____·()銆�

A銆亂ou must provide guideposts as your child grows

B銆亂ou should learn to bear pain better than others

C銆乊ou’d better think of your child's age and lessons

D銆亂ou should make safe and acceptable choices .

4.What does the third paragraph mean? ()銆�

A銆丏on't let your child know the bad consequence before.

B銆丒xample is much better than command.

C銆乊elling is not a good way to teach your child.

D銆丆hildren prefer a living example to others.

5.What does the underlined word mean in the passage?()銆�

A銆丄 person who can take care of your child.

B銆丄 person who can teach your child.

C銆丄 person who gives advice on problems.

D銆丄 person who teaches in elementary schools.





鍒嗕韩鍒帮細 绶ㄨ集锛氱挵(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍�

璩囨枡涓嬭級 绮鹃伕瑾茬▼ 鑰佸斧鐩存挱 鐪熼绶寸繏(x铆)


鑷€冭嫳瑾炴骞寸湡椤屼笅杓� 鏇村

鑷€冭嫳瑾炴瘡鏃ヤ竴绶� 鎵撳崱鏃ユ



鐠�(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍$Щ鍕曡鍫侫PP 鐩存挱銆佽伣瑾层€傝伔閬旀湭渚�锛�




