1銆丄braham Lincoln
We celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (February 12), and we should. Lincoln was one of the few great men who really were great. Before he____1___( become) president, Lincoln spent twenty years as an unsuccessful Illinois lawyer涓€at least he was unsuccessful in _____2____(make) money. But when you measure the good he did, he was very rich indeed. Legends are often_____3____(true), but Lincoln was the real thing. George Washington never chopped down a cherry tree,but Abraham Lincoln was honest. During his years as a lawyer,there were hundreds of known examples of his honesty and ____4____ (polite).
For example, Lincoln didn’t like to charge people much who were as poor as he was. Once a man sent him twenty-five dollars, but Lincoln sent him back ten of them, saying he was _____5_____ (be)too generous.
He was known at times to persuade his clients to settle their problems out of court,___6____ (save)them a lot of money,but earning himself nothing.
An old woman in terrible poverty, the widow of a Revolutionary Soldier, was charged $ 200 for getting her $ 400 pension. Lincoln took the pension agent to court and ___7___ (win) the case for the old woman. He didn’t charge her for his services and. in fact, paid her hotel bill,and gave her money to buy a ticket home!
He was a fool, perhaps, by certain standards. He didn’t have much, and it was his own fault. But he was a good human being by anyone’s standards and I’m glad we celebrate his birthday.
Honesty makes you feel good about ___8____(your)and creates trust in others. It improves your ___9____ (relation)with yourself and with others. It’s not much in fashion these days to talk about the benefits of honesty and politeness,but the benefits are there and they are ____10____ (value)and worth the trouble.
灏忕法鎻愰啋锛�2021骞�4鏈堝悇鍦板崁(q奴)鑷€冭嫳瑾炶€冭│鏅傞枔宸茬稉(j墨ng)鍏竷锛岀偤閬垮厤鑰冪敓閷亷鑰冭│鏅傞枔锛岃€冪敓鍙~瀵� 鍏嶈不闋愮磩鐭俊鎻愰啋鏈嶅嫏锛屽眴鏅傛垜鍊戞渻鍙婃檪鎻愰啋2021骞�4鏈堝悇鐪佽€冭│鏅傞枔銆佹煡瑭㈡垚绺炬檪闁撶瓑閲嶈鏅傞枔绡€(ji茅)榛為€氱煡銆�
2銆乀hey Say Ireland's the Best
Ireland is the best place in the world to live for 2005, according to a life quality ranking that appeared in Britain’s E-conomist magazine last week.
The ambitious attempt to compare happiness levels around the World is based on the principle that wealth is not the only measure of human satisfaction and well-being.
The index of 111 countries uses data on incomes, health, unemployment, climate, political stability Job security ,gender equality as well as what the magazine calls "freedom, family and community life".
Despite the bad weather, troubled health service, traffic congestion, gender inequality, and the high cost of living,Ireland scored an impressive 8. 33 points out of 10.
That put it well ahead of second-place Switzerland, which managed 8. 07. Zimbabwe, troubled by political insecurity and hunger,is rated the gloomiest,picking up only 3. 89 points.
“Although rising incomes and increased individual choices are highly valued,”the report said,"some of the factors associated with modernization such as the breakdown in traditional institutions and family values in part take away from a positive impact.”
“Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new with the preservation of certain warm elements of the old, such as stable family and community life.”
The magazine admitted measuring quality of life is not a straightforward thing to do.and that its findings would have their critics.
No.2 on the list is Switzerland. The other nations in the top 10 are Norway, Luxembourg. Sweden, Australia, Iceland. Italy,Denmark and Spain.
The U. K. is positioned at No. 29,a much lower position chiefly because of the social and family breakdown recorded in official statistics. The U. S. , which has the second highest per capita GDP after Luxembourg, took the 13th place in the survey. China was in the lower half of the league at 60th.
1.For 2005 years, Ireland has been the best place for humans to live in.()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
2.When we have more money, we will be happier.()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
3.Job security is the least important measure of life quality.()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
4.Cost of living in lreland is pretty high.()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
5.Family life in Zimbabwe is not stable.()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
6.Switzerland scored more than Zimbabwe.()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
7.lreland is positioned at No. 1 because it combines the most desirable elements of the new with some good elements of the old.()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
8.To measure life quality is easy()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
9.The United States of America is among the top 10 countries.()銆�
C銆丯ot mentioned
Abraham Lincoln
2.瑙f瀽鐐篵e successful in doing鐐哄浐瀹氱祼妲嬶紝鎰忕偤鎴愬姛鍋氭垚鏌愪簨锛屽悗鎺ュ嫊鍚嶈褰㈠紡銆�
5.瑙f瀽鐐鸿鏂囷細浠栧彧鏄お鎱锋叏浜�銆傛湰鍙ヤ笉鏄鍕曡獮鎱�(t脿i)锛屽洜姝ゆ噳鐐洪亷鍘婚€茶鏅�锛屾墍浠ヨ鐢� be鐨�-ing褰㈠紡銆�
8.瑙f瀽鐐鸿鏂囷細瑾犲鏈冭畵浣犺嚜鎴戞劅瑕鸿壇濂藉苟涓斿皪鍒ヤ汉鐢㈢敓淇′换鎰�銆傛铏曟噳濉叆your鐨勫弽韬唬瑭� yourself銆�
绛旀鐐� yourself
9.瑙f瀽鐐簉elationship with鐐哄浐瀹氭惌閰�锛屾剰鐐鸿垏.....鐨勯棞绯�銆傚洜姝ゆ噳绲elation鍔犲悗缍�-ship, 褰㈡垚鍚嶈 relationship銆�
绛旀鐐� relationship銆�
They Say Ireland's the Best
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