宸茬稉(j墨ng)鍫卞悕鑷€冭嫳瑾炵殑鑰冪敓鍙~瀵� 鍏嶈不(f猫i)闋�(y霉)绱勭煭淇℃彁閱�鏈嶅嫏(w霉)锛屽眴鏅傛垚绺炬煡瑭�銆佽瓑鏇搁牁(l菒ng)鍙栨檪闁撴渻鐭俊閫氱煡宸茬稉(j墨ng)鍫辫€冭嚜鑰冭嫳瑾炵殑鑰冪敓銆�
1. be fond of “鍠滄剾锛屾剾濂�” 鎺ュ悕瑭�銆佷唬瑭炴垨鍕曡鐨�-ing褰㈠紡[1] He’s fond of swimming. 浠栧枩姝℃父娉�銆俒2] Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 浣犲枩姝℃柊楫敩鑿滃棊?[3] He is fond of his research work. 浠栧枩鎰涗粬鐨勭爺绌跺伐浣溿€�
2. hunt for = look for 灏嬫壘hunt for a job 鎵惧伐浣�
3. in order to/so as to鍏╁€嬭绲勯兘鍙紩灏�(d菐o)涓嶅畾寮忎綔鐩殑鐙€瑾�, in order to鍙斁浜庡彞棣�, so as to鍓囦笉鑳�, 鍏跺惁瀹氬舰寮忕偤in order not to / so as not to.
[1] He went to Beijing in order to/so as to attend an important meeting.[2] In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.
鐐轰簡璁撴垜鍊戞敞鎰忎粬, 浠栨湞鎴戝€戝張鏄彨鍠婂張鏄彯鎵�銆�
4. care about[1] 鍠滄锛屽皪……鏈夎垐瓒� = care forShe doesn’t care about money.濂逛笉鍠滄閷�銆�
[2] 闂�(gu膩n)蹇� = care forShe thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people. 濂瑰彧鑰冩叜鑷繁銆備笉闂�(gu膩n)蹇冨垾浜�銆�
[3] 鍦ㄤ箮锛屽湪鎰�(鎺ュ緸鍙ユ垨涓嶆帴浠讳綍鎴愬垎)These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 閫欎簺骞磋紩浜烘牴鏈笉鍦ㄤ箮鑰佷汉瑾殑瑭�銆�
5. such as 鎰忕偤“璜稿……”锛�“鍍�……”锛屾槸鐢ㄤ締鍒楄垑浜烘垨浜嬬墿鐨�銆�
She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry. 濂规暀涓夐杸绉戠洰,鍍忕墿鐞嗐€佸寲瀛�(xu茅)銆�
6. drop a line 鐣欎笅渚挎, 瀵皝鐭俊
7. make yourself at home 鍒ュ姘�;闅ㄤ究;鐒℃嫎鏉烮f you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home. 濡傛灉浣犲湪鎴戜箣鍓嶅埌鎴戝锛岃嚜宸卞枬榛�(di菐n)椋叉枡锛岄毃渚夸竴榛�(di菐n)銆�
8. stay up 涓嶇潯;鐔[1] I'll be late home, don't stay up for me.鎴戝皣鍥炲寰堟櫄锛屼笉瑕佺瓑鎴戜簡銆俒2] He stayed up reading until 2:00 in the morning.浠栫啲澶滅湅鏇哥洿鍒板噷鏅ㄥ叐榛�(di菐n)銆�
9. come about 寮曡捣;鐧�(f膩)鐢�;鐢�(ch菐n)鐢焄1] How did the accident come about?閫欏牬浜嬫晠鏄€庝箞鐧�(f膩)鐢熺殑?[2] They didn't know how the change had come about.浠栧€戜笉鐭ラ亾閫欏€嬭畩鍖栨槸鎬庢ǎ鐢�(ch菐n)鐢熺殑銆�
10. except for 闄�……涔嬪[1] except 鑸� except for 鐨勭敤娉曞父鏈夊崁(q奴)鍒�銆俥xcept 澶氱敤浜庡紩璧峰悓椤炰簨鐗╀腑琚帓闄ょ殑涓€闋呫€傚锛氣憼He answered all the questions except the last one.闄ゅ幓鏈€鍚庝竴鍊�锛屼粬鍥炵瓟浜嗘墍鏈夊晱椤屻€傗憽We go there everyday except Sunday.闄や簡鏄熸湡澶�锛屾垜鍊戝ぉ澶╁幓閭i噷銆�
[2] except for 鐢ㄤ簬寮曡堪绱�(x矛)绡€(ji茅)浠ヤ慨姝e彞瀛愮殑涓昏鎰忔€�銆傚锛氣憼Except for oneold lady, the bus was empty.闄ゅ幓涓€鍊嬭€佸お澶�锛岄€欒紱鍏叡姹借粖鍏ㄧ┖浜�銆傗憽Your picture isgood except for the colours.浣犵殑鐣厭寰堝ソ锛屽彧鏄煇浜涜壊褰╂湁鍟忛銆�
[3] 浣嗗湪鐝�(xi脿n)浠h嫳瑾炰腑锛宔xcept for涔熺敤浜庤〃绀篹xcept鐨勬剰鎬�銆傚涓婅堪绗竴鍊嬩緥瀛愬彲浠ユ槸锛欻e answered all the questions except for the last one.
[4] 鍙﹀锛屽湪浠嬭鐭獮涔嬪墠鍙兘鐢╡xcept锛屼笉鑳界敤except for銆俉e go to bed before ten, except in the summer.闄や簡澶忓锛屾垜鍊戦€氬父鍗侀粸(di菐n)涔嬪墠涓婂簥鐫¤銆�
11. end up with 浠�……鍛婄祩;浠�……绲�(ji茅)鏉烼he party ended up with an English song.鑱氭渻浠ヤ竴棣栬嫳鏂囨瓕绲�(ji茅)鏉�銆�
12. more or less 骞句箮;宸笉澶�;澶х磩;澶ф;澶ч珨涓奫1] I've more or less succeeded, but they haven't.鎴戝樊涓嶅鎴愬姛浜�锛岃€屼粬鍊戞矑鏈�銆俒2] Our living condition has more or less improved.鎴戝€戠殑鐢熸椿姘村钩鎴栧鎴栧皯鎻愰珮浜�銆�
13. bring in 寮曢€�(j矛n);寮曚締;鍚告敹[1] We should bring in new technology.鎴戝€戞噳(y墨ng)瑭插紩閫�(j矛n)鏂版妧琛�(sh霉)銆俒2] He brings in 800 dollars a month.浠栦竴鍊嬫湀鎺欏叓鐧剧編鍏�銆�
14. get away(from) 閫冮洟[1] The thieves got away from the shop with all our money.灏忓伔甯惰憲鎴戝€戞墍鏈夌殑閷㈠緸鍟嗗簵閫冭窇浜�銆俒2] I caught a really big fish but it got away.鎴戦嚕鍒颁簡涓€姊濆ソ澶х殑榄�锛屽彲鏄畠閫冩帀浜嗐€�
15. watch out (for)娉ㄦ剰;鐣欏績[1] Watch out! There is a car coming.灏忓績!姹借粖渚嗕簡銆俒2] Watch out for the hole in the road.鐣欑璺笂鐨勯偅鍊嬪潙銆�
16. see sb. off 绲︽煇浜洪€佽Tomorrow I will see my friend off at the railway station.鏄庡ぉ鎴戝埌鐏粖绔欑郸鏈嬪弸閫佽銆�
17. on the other hand 鍙︿竴鏂归潰; 鐢ㄤ互寮曞嚭鐩镐簰鐭涚浘鐨勮榛�(di菐n)銆佹剰瑕嬬瓑锛屽父瑾� on the one hand …… on the other hand 涓€鏂归潰……鍙︿竴鏂归潰銆�
I know this job of mine isn't well paid, but on the other hand I don't have to work long hours.鎴戠煡閬撻€欎唤宸ヤ綔鍫遍叕涓嶉珮锛屼絾寰炲彟涓€鏂归潰渚嗚锛屾垜涔熶笉蹇呭伐浣滃お闀锋檪闁�銆�
18. as well as 鍜�/閭� 锛� He is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.濂逛笉浣嗘槸鏀濆奖甯倓鏄€嬪ぉ鎵嶇殑闊虫▊瀹�銆�
19. take place 鐧�(f膩)鐢� take one’s place 鍏ュ骇銆佺珯濂戒綅缃�銆佸彇寰楀湴浣峵ake sb’s place 鎴� take the place of 浠f浛銆佸彇浠�
20. on fire 鐩哥暥(d膩ng)浜巄urning, 鎰忕偤“鐕冪噿;钁楃伀;璧风伀”锛屾湁闈滄厠(t脿i)鐨勫惈鎰忋€俢atch fire鏈夊嫊鎱�(t脿i)鐨勫惈鎰�銆�
set…on fire/set fire to…鐢ㄤ締琛ㄧず“浣�……钁楃伀”銆�“鏀剧伀鐕�……”銆�
Look, the theatre is on fire! Let’s go and help.鐬э紝鍔囬櫌钁楃伀浜�锛屽挶鍊�?n猫i)顨撳厰顬婄劧楦紴?/p>
21. on holiday 鍦ㄥ害鍋�锛屽湪浼戝亣涓� When I was on holiday, I visited my uncle. 鎴戝湪搴﹀亣鐨勬檪鍊欏幓鐪嬫湜浜嗗彅鍙�銆�
22. travel agency鏃呰绀�=travel bureau
23. take off [1] 鑴笅(琛f湇绛�), 瑙�(闄�)鎺� He took off his wet shoes.浠栬劔涓嬩簡婵曢瀷瀛愩€�
[2] (椋涙(j墨))璧烽 The plane took off on time. It was a smooth take-off.椋涙(j墨)婧�(zh菙n)鏅傝捣椋�銆傝捣椋涢潪甯搁爢鍒�銆�
[3] 鍖嗗寙闆㈤枊 The six men got into the car and took off for the park.閫欏叚鍊嬩汉涓婁簡杌婏紝鍖嗗寙闆㈤枊鍘诲叕鍦�銆�
24. go wrong v. 璧伴尟璺�, 瑾ゅ叆宀愰€�, (姗�(j墨)鍣ㄧ瓑)鐧�(f膩)鐢熸晠闅�
25. in all adv. 绺藉叡
26. stay away v.澶栧嚭
27. look up 鏌ヨ(濡傝硴瑾炵偤浠h锛屽墖浠h鏀句腑闁�) Look up the word in the dictionary. 鍦ㄥ瓧鍏搁噷鏌ュ柈瑭炪€�
鐩搁棞(gu膩n)瑭炵祫锛歭ook for 灏嬫壘;look after鐓ч¨锛岀収鏂�;look forward to鏈熷緟;look into瑾�(di脿o)鏌�;look on鏃佽;look out娉ㄦ剰;look out for娉ㄦ剰锛岀暀蹇冿紝鎻愰槻;look over缈婚柋锛屾煡鐪�锛屾鏌�;look around鐠�(hu谩n)瑕�;look through缈婚柋锛屾煡鐪�銆�
28. run after 杩介€�锛岃拷姹� If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.鍚屾檪杩藉叐鍙厰瀛愶紝浣犱竴鍙篃鎶撲笉鍒�銆�
29. on the air 寤f挱 [1] We will be on the air in five minutes.鎴戝€戜簲鍒嗛悩浠ュ悗闁嬪寤f挱銆� [2] This programme comes on the air at the same time every day.閫欏€嬬瘈(ji茅)鐩瘡澶╁湪鍚屼竴鏅傞枔鎾嚭銆�
30. think highly/well/much of灏�……瑭曞児寰堥珮, 璐婅碁, 灏�……鍗拌薄濂�;think badly/nothing/little/lowly of……瑾�(r猫n)鐐轰笉濂�, 灏�……涓嶅湪鎰�, 涓嶈磰鎴�, 瑕哄緱……涓嶆€庝箞妯�
[1] He was highly thought of by the manager.缍�(j墨ng)鐞嗗皪浠栭潪甯歌磰璩炪€� [2] I think well of your suggestion.鎴戣寰椾綘鐨勫缓璀板緢濂�銆� [3] I don’t think much of him as a teacher.鎴戣寰椾粬浣滅偤涓€鍊嬭€佸斧涓嶆€庝箞妯c€�
31. leave out [1] 婕忔帀 You made a mistake—You’ve left out a letter “t”.浣犲嚭閷簡—浣犳紡鎺変簡涓€鍊嬪瓧姣峵.[2] 鍒帀, 娌掔敤 I haven’t changed or left out athing.鎴戞矑鏈変綔鍑鸿畩鍕曚篃娌掓湁鍒帀浠讳綍鏉辫タ銆�
32. stare at (鐢变簬濂藉銆佹縺鍕曠瓑寮佃憲鍢村反锛岀潨澶х溂鐫涘湴)[1] 鍑濊锛岀洴钁楃湅 Don’t stare at foreigners. It’s impolite.涓嶈鐩憲澶栧湅浜虹湅锛岄€欐ǎ涓嶇Ξ璨�銆�
[2] glare at (to stare angrily at)鎬掕钁�
33. make jokes about 灏�……瑾瑧 They make jokes about my old hat.浠栧€戝氨鎴戠殑鑸婂附瀛愯绗戞垜銆�
[1] have a joke with … about…璺熸煇浜洪枊闂�(gu膩n)浜庢煇浜嬬殑鐜╃瑧He stopped to have a joke with me.浠栧仠涓嬩締璺熸垜闁嬬帺绗�銆俒2] play a joke on…闁嬫煇浜虹殑鐜╃瑧 We played jokes on each other. 鎴戝€戜簰鐩搁枊鐜╃瑧銆� [3] v. joke about 鍙栫瑧They joked about my broken English.浠栧€�?n猫i)鈱捨鹃槾纾昣鐨勮嫳銆�
34. take over 鎺ョ;鎺ユ浛;绻兼壙 [1] What is good and still useful should be taken over.濂界殑鏈夌敤鐨勬澅瑗挎噳(y墨ng)鐣�(d膩ng)绻兼壙銆� [2] Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job).鎴戝€戠殑涓诲腑璧颁簡锛屽洜姝ゆ澃鍏嬪皣鎺ョ(浠栫殑宸ヤ綔)銆�
35. break down[1] 鐮村;鎷嗘暎 鈶燙hemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 浜洪珨涓殑鍖栧(xu茅)鍏冪礌鎶婇鐗╁垎瑙f垚鏈夌敤鐨勭墿璩�(zh矛)銆� 鈶he peace talks are said to have broken down. (鍠�)鎿�(j霉)瑾拰璜囩牬瑁備簡銆�
[2](姗�(j墨)鍣�)鎼嶅 鈶燨ur truck broke down outside town. 鎴戝€戠殑鍗¤粖鍦ㄥ煄澶栨媼閷ㄤ簡銆� 鈶he car broke down halfway to the destination.姹借粖鍦ㄥ埌閬�(d谩)鐩殑鍦扮殑涓€旀媼閷ㄤ簡銆�
[3] 澶辨晽;鐮磋 Their opposition broke down.浠栧€戠殑鍙嶅皪鎰忚鎵撴秷浜�銆�
[4] 绮剧宕╂桨;澶卞幓鎺у埗 He broke down and wept. 浠栦笉绂佸け鑱茬棝鍝�銆�
[5] 璧峰寲瀛�(xu茅)璁婂寲 Food is broken down by chemicals. 鍖栧(xu茅)鐗╄唱(zh矛)寮曡捣椋熺墿杞�(zhu菐n)鍖�銆�
36. get on one’s feet[1] 绔欒捣渚�;绔欒捣渚嗙櫦(f膩)瑷€ [2] (=stand on one's feet)鑷珛, 缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)涓婄崹(d煤)绔� [3] (浜�)鐥呭ソ浜�, 鍙互璧峰簥浜�; (浣�)鎭㈠京(f霉), 寰�(f霉)铇�(鎸囦紒妤�(y猫))
37. go through[1] 缍�(j墨ng)姝�;缍�(j墨ng)鍙�;閬埌 These countries have gone / been through too many wars.閫欎簺鍦嬪椋界稉(j墨ng)鎴�(zh脿n)鐏�銆�
[2] 瀹屾垚;鍋氬畬I didn't want to go through college.鎴戜笉鎯充笂瀹屽ぇ瀛�(xu茅)銆�
[3] 閫氶亷;鎵规簴(zh菙n) 鈶燭he law has gone through Parliament. 璀版渻宸茬稉(j墨ng)閫氶亷浜嗛€欓爡娉曟銆�
鈶heir plans went through. 浠栧€戠殑瑷堝妰寰楀埌浜嗘壒婧�(zh菙n)銆�
[4] 鍏ㄩ潰妾㈡煡;鎼滄煡 They went through our luggage at the customs.鍦ㄦ捣闂�(gu膩n)浠栧€戞鏌ヤ簡鎴戝€戠殑琛屾潕銆�
38.take over 鎺ョ;鎺ユ浛;绻兼壙 鈶爓hat is good and still useful should be taken over.濂界殑鏈夌敤鐨勬澅瑗挎噳(y墨ng)鐣�(d膩ng)绻兼壙銆� 鈶ur chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job).鎴戝€戠殑涓诲腑璧颁簡锛屽洜姝ゆ澃鍏嬪皣鎺ョ(浠栫殑宸ヤ綔)銆�
39. “So + be/have/鍔╁嫊瑭�/鎯呮厠(t脿i)鍕曡+涓昏”鐨勭祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)銆傛绲�(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)涓殑瑾炲簭鏄€掕鐨勶紝“So”浠f浛涓婂彞涓殑鏌愬€嬫垚鍒�銆傚鏋滀笂闈竴鍙ユ槸鍚﹀畾鍙�锛屽墖浣跨敤“Neither/Nor+be/have/鍔╁嫊瑭�/鎯呮厠(t脿i)鍕曡+涓昏獮”鐨勭祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)銆�
[1] He’s tired, and so am I. (=I’ m also tired.)
[2] You can swim锛宎nd so can I.(=I can also swim.)She has had supper锛宎nd so can I.(=I’ve had lunch锛宼oo.)
[3] Tom speaks English锛宎nd so does his sister.(=His sister speaks English锛宼oo.)A: I went to the park yesterday.B: So did I.(=I also went to the park yesterday.)
40.“So +涓昏獮+be/have/鍔╁嫊瑭�/鎯呮厠(t脿i)鍕曡”绲�(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)涓殑涓昏瑐鏄甯歌獮搴�锛宻o鐩哥暥(d膩ng)浜巌ndeed,certainly, 琛ㄧず瑾┍浜哄皪鍓嶉潰鎴�?q奴)唯鍓款媶f鎯呮硜鐨勮偗瀹�銆佽磰鍚屾垨璀夊锛岃獮姘h純寮�(qi谩ng)锛屾剰鎬濇槸“纰哄濡傛”銆�
A锛欼t was cold yesterday.鏄ㄥぉ寰堝喎銆侭锛歋o it was.鐨勭⒑濡傛銆�(=Yes锛宨t was.)A锛歒ou seem to like sports.B锛歋o I do.(=Yes锛孖 do.)A锛欼t will be fine tomorrow.B锛歋o it will.(=Yes 锛宨t will.)
41.“涓昏獮+do/does/did + so”绲�(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)鎸囩殑鏄寜涓婂彞鐨勮姹傚仛浜�銆傛鍙ュ瀷涓璬o so浠f浛涓婃枃涓姹傚仛鐨勪簨锛屼互鍏嶉噸寰�(f霉)銆�
My Chinese teacher told me to hand in my composition on time and I did so.(=I handed inmy composition on time.) 瑾炴枃鑰佸斧鍙垜鎸夋檪浜や綔鏂�, 鎴戠収杈︿簡銆�
42. So it is with…鎴� It is the same with…鍙ュ瀷琛ㄧず “……(鐨勬儏娉�)涔熸槸濡傛銆�”鐣�(d膩ng)鍓嶉潰鐨勫彞瀛愪腑鏈夊咕绋笉鍚屽舰寮忕殑璎傝獮鏅�锛岃琛ㄧず鐩稿悓鎯呮硜锛屽繀闋堜娇鐢ㄦ湰鍙ュ瀷锛屼笉鑳戒娇鐢╯o 寮曡捣鐨勫€掕鍙�銆�
She doesn’t play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with my sister.
43. There you are. 琛屼簡锛屽ソ銆� 閫欐槸涓€鍙ヨ〃绀轰竴绋簨鎯呭憡涓€娈佃惤鎴栨湁浜嗘渶绲傜祼(ji茅)鏋滅殑鐢ㄨ獮銆�
[1] There you are! Then let's have some coffee.闄ゆ涔嬪锛岄倓鍙互琛ㄧず“鐬�锛屽皪鍚�(鏋滅劧濡傛)”鐨勮獮姘c€�
[2] There you are! I knew we should find it at last.灏嶅惂!鎴戝氨鐭ラ亾鎴戝€戞渶绲傝兘鎵惧埌鐨�銆�
44. have some difficulty (in) doing sth. 骞叉煇浜嬫湁鍥伴洠;鎺ュ悕瑭炴檪锛屽父鐢ㄥ彞鍨嬶細have some difficulty with sth.
[1] Do you have any difficulty (in) understanding English?浣犵悊瑙h嫳瑾炲彛瑾炴湁鍥伴洠鍡�?[1] She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation.濂硅濂瑰湪鐧�(f膩)闊虫柟闈㈡湁鍥伴洠銆�
45. have a good knowledge of sth. “鎺屾彙……”锛�“灏�……鏈夋煇绋▼搴︾殑浜嗚В”
[1] He has a good knowledge of London.浠栧皪鍊暒鏈夋墍浜嗚В銆�
[2] A good knowledge of languages is always useful.
46. Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.榄忓浆鎷垮嚭涓€浜涜姳鐢�?锛熺矖顗嶉晵瑷屼箖顛风閾f洶銊�?锛屽緢鏈夎叮銆�
[1] fun “濂界帺锛岃叮浜�”锛屼笉鍙暩(sh霉)鍚嶈锛屽墠闈笉鍔犱笉瀹氬啝瑭瀉You’re sure to have some fun at the party tonight. 浠婂ぉ鏅氫笂浣犺偗瀹氭渻鐜╁緱寰堥枊蹇�銆�
[2] make fun of“鍙栫瑧”锛�“鍢插紕”銆侾eople make fun of him only because he is wearing such a strange jacket.浜哄€戝槻绗戜粬鍙槸鍥犵偤浠栫┛浜嗕竴浠堕偅涔堝鎬殑琛f湇銆�
funny adj. “鍙瑧鐨�锛屾粦绋界殑”He looks very funny in his father’s jacket.浠栫┛钁椾粬鐖惰Κ鐨勮。鏈�锛岀湅涓婂幓寰堟粦绋姐€�
47. It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate.鎶婁綘鐩ゅ瓙閲屾墍鏈夋澅瑗垮悆瀹屾槸鏈夌Ξ璨岀殑銆�
閫欐槸涓€鍊嬪嫊瑭炰笉瀹氬紡浣滀富瑾炵殑鍙ュ瀷锛屽叾涓璽o finish eating everything 鏄富瑾�锛宨t鏄舰寮忎富瑾�銆�
48. 鐩存帴寮曡獮鍜岄枔鎺ュ紩瑾瀃1] 鐩存帴寮曡獮鍦ㄦ敼鐐洪枔鎺ュ紩瑾炴檪锛屾檪鎱�(t脿i)闇€瑕佸仛鐩告噳(y墨ng)鐨勮(di脿o)鏁�銆�(涓€鑸亷鍘绘檪鏀规垚閬庡幓瀹屾垚鏅�)I broke your CD player.→He told me he had broken my CD player.
(鐝�(xi脿n)鍦ㄥ畬鎴愭檪鏀规垚閬庡幓瀹屾垚鏅�)Jenny said, “I have lost a book.”→Jenny said she had lost a book.
(涓€鑸皣渚嗘檪鏀规垚閬庡幓灏囦締鏅�)Mum said, “I’ll go to see a friend.”→Mum said she would go to see a friend.
(閬庡幓瀹屾垚鏅備繚鐣欏師鏈夌殑鏅傛厠(t脿i))He said, “We hadn’t finished our homework.”→He said they hadn’t finished their homework.
[2] 鍦ㄧ洿鎺ュ紩瑾炶畩闁撴帴寮曡獮鏅�锛屽鏋滃緸鍙ヤ腑鐨勪富瑾炴檪绗竴浜虹ū鎴栬绗竴浜虹ū鎵€淇>锛屽緸鍙ヤ腑鐨勪汉绋辫鎸夌収涓诲彞涓富瑾炵殑浜虹ū璁婂寲銆傚锛歁ary said, “My brother is an engineer.”→Mary said her brother was and engineer.
[3] 鐩存帴寮曡獮濡傛灉鏄弽鎰忕枒鍟忓彞锛岄伕鎿囩枒鍟忓彞鎴栦竴鑸枒鍟忓彞锛岄枔鎺ュ紩瑾炴噳(y墨ng)鏀圭偤鐢眞hether鎴杋f寮曞皫(d菐o)鐨勮硴瑾炲緸鍙�銆傚锛欻e said, “Can you run, Mike?”→He asked Mike whether/if he could run.
[4] 鐩存帴寮曡獮濡傛灉鏄浣垮彞锛岄枔鎺ュ紩瑾炴噳(y墨ng)鏀圭偤“tell(ask, order, beg绛�) (not) to do sth.”鍙ュ瀷銆傚锛�“Pass me the water, please.”said he.→He asked him to pass her the water.
[5] 鐩存帴寮曡獮濡傛灉鏄互“Let’s”闁嬮牠鐨勭浣垮彞锛岃畩?y艒u)娈歡鎺ュ紩瑾炴檪锛岄€氬父鐢�“suggest+鍕曞悕瑭炴垨寰炲彞”鐨勭祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)銆傚锛歋he said, “Let’s go to the cinema.”→She suggested going to the cinema.鎴朣he suggested that they should go to the cinema.
49. 鐝�(xi脿n)鍦ㄩ€�(j矛n)琛屾檪琛ㄥ皣渚嗙殑鍕曚綔鐝�(xi脿n)鍦ㄩ€�(j矛n)琛屾檪琛ㄥ皣渚嗙殑鍕曚綔锛岃瑐瑾為€氬父鐐虹灛闁撳嫊瑭�銆傚锛歝ome, go, arrive, leave, start, return, stay, meet, get绛�銆傞€欎簺鍕曡鐨勯€�(j矛n)琛屾檪鍚庝笉鑳藉啀鎺ュ叿楂旂殑鏅傞枔銆�
[1] 鐢ㄧ従(xi脿n)鍦ㄩ€�(j矛n)琛屾檪琛ㄧず灏囦締锛屾寚鐨勬槸杩戞湡鐨�锛屾寜瑷堝妰鎴栧畨鎺掕鐧�(f膩)鐢熺殑鍕曚綔銆�
[2] 鐝�(xi脿n)鍦ㄩ€�(j矛n)琛屾檪琛ㄧず灏囦締鑸囪〃绀烘鍦ㄩ€�(j矛n)琛岀殑鍕曚綔鐨勫崁(q奴)鍒ュ湪浜庯細鍓嶈€呴€氬父鐢ㄧ灛闁撳嫊瑭�(鏈夋檪涓€浜涘父鐢ㄥ嫊瑭炰篃鍙互閫欐ǎ鐢ㄥ锛歞o)濡傦細go, come, start, return, get, arrive绛夈€傝€屽悗鑰呴€氬父鏄寔绾�(x霉)鎬у嫊瑭�銆傗憼 The train is arriving soon. 鐏粖灏辫閫�(j矛n)绔欎簡銆傗憽 He is reading a novel. 浠栧湪鐪嬪皬瑾�銆�
[3] 鐢ㄧ従(xi脿n)鍦ㄩ€�(j矛n)琛屾檪琛ㄧず灏囦締鐨勬檪闁�锛屽湪鍙ヤ腑鎴栦笂涓嬫枃涓€氬父鏈夎〃绀哄皣渚嗘檪闁撶殑鐙€瑾炪€�
[4] 鐝�(xi脿n)鍦ㄩ€�(j矛n)琛屾檪鑸囦竴鑸従(xi脿n)鍦ㄦ檪琛ㄧず灏囦締鍕曚綔鐨勫崁(q奴)鍒ュ湪浜庯細鍓嶈€呰〃绀虹殑灏囦締鐨勫嫊浣滃線寰€鏄彲浠ユ敼璁婄殑锛岃€屽悗鑰呭墖鏄牴鎿�(j霉)瑕�(gu墨)瀹氭垨鏅傞枔琛ㄩ爯(y霉)瑷堣鐧�(f膩)鐢熺殑鍕曚綔鎴栦簨鎯�锛屽洜姝ゅ線寰€鏄笉鍙敼璁婃垨涓嶅彲闅ㄤ究鏀硅畩鐨�銆傗憼 What are you doing next Friday?涓嬫槦鏈熶簲浣犲€戞墦绠楀共浠€涔�?鈶� The plane takes off at 7锛�30 tonight.椋涙(j墨)浠婃櫄涓冮粸(di菐n)鍗婅捣椋�銆�
50. 涓昏獮鏄柈鏁�(sh霉)鏅傦紝鐩$鍚庨潰璺熸湁as well as, but ,except, besides, with ,along with, together with, like 绛�锛岃瑐瑾炲嫊瑭炰粛鐢ㄥ柈鏁�(sh霉)銆俆he teacher as well as his students is excited.
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