I just could not fall asleep the other night. I just didn't feel sleepy. I can't explain why, but it was really annoying.
I got very bored lying in bed, so I decided to read a book._____(26)But even when I finished reading, I still didn't feel tired. So I listened to some peaceful music. That didn't work, either. I have heard people say if you have a warm drink before bedtime, it will help you drift off to sleep. So I went downstairs and made myself a cup of tea. _____(27)Still, I couldn't sleep. I was getting very frustrated by this point!
It felt strange to be awake while everyone else was asleep. _____(28)In fact, it was a little big frightening. When you go to sleep, it feels like one day ends and another begins. But if you stay up late, you realize that day and night are just a gentle transition(杞�(zhu菐n)璁�), a cycle while has no end and no beginning. At 4 a.m., I noticed a faint light coming through my curtains. The sun had started to rise!
Normally, I'm a heavy sleeper. _____(29)So on this occasion, I consider myself lucky to see a beautiful sunrise. I knew I needed to get some rest, but it seemed the harder I tried to force myself asleep, the more difficult it was.
Eventually, I just let my mind go free. _____(30)I listened to the birdsong... and the next thing I knew it was 11 a.m.! I was happy that I had managed to get some sleep! I have never struggled with sleeping before, so this was my first experience of insomnia. Fortunately, I have been sleeping well since then.
A.The world seemed so quiet.
B.I stopped forcing myself to sleep.
C.After my tea, I got back into bed.
D.I didn't want to wake up my family.
E.I thought reading would help me get to sleep.
F.I had never been awake at this time in the morning.
A.The world seemed so quiet.
B.I stopped forcing myself to sleep.
C.After my tea, I got back into bed.
D.I didn't want to wake up my family.
E.I thought reading would help me get to sleep.
F.I had never been awake at this time in the morning.
A.The world seemed so quiet.
B.I stopped forcing myself to sleep.
C.After my tea, I got back into bed.
D.I didn't want to wake up my family.
E.I thought reading would help me get to sleep.
F.I had never been awake at this time in the morning.
銆愯В鏋愩€戝悗涓€鍙ユ彁鍒癐n fact, it was a little big frightening. 琛ㄦ槑浠€涔堜簨鎯呮槸寰堝殗浜虹殑锛岄渶瑕佸湪閬搁爡(xi脿ng)涓壘鍒癷t鎸囦唬鐨勬澅瑗裤€侫閬搁爡(xi脿ng)绗﹀悎椤屾剰锛宨t鎸囦唬瀹夐潨鐨勪笘鐣�銆�
A.The world seemed so quiet.
B.I stopped forcing myself to sleep.
C.After my tea, I got back into bed.
D.I didn't want to wake up my family.
E.I thought reading would help me get to sleep.
F.I had never been awake at this time in the morning.
A.The world seemed so quiet.
B.I stopped forcing myself to sleep.
C.After my tea, I got back into bed.
D.I didn't want to wake up my family.
E.I thought reading would help me get to sleep.
F.I had never been awake at this time in the morning.
銆愯В鏋愩€戝墠涓€鍙ヨ(sh霉)鍚嶦ventually, I just let my mind go free. 鏈€绲傦紝鎴戣畵鎴戠殑鎬濇兂鑷敱浜�銆傛寚鐨勬槸鎴戝氨闅ㄤ究浜�锛屾剾鎬庢ǎ鎬庢ǎ浜�銆傞伕闋�(xi脿ng)涓垏涔嬬浉鍖归厤鐨勫彧鏈塀閬搁爡(xi脿ng)銆�
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